No Absolutes in
Human Suffering
Black Market
Rating: - 8/10
The Sound of
Pure hatred
(not the poor Chimera song) is a
powerful ideology used throughout all forms of metal and hardcore, creating the
aggression and power that makes this genre of music as good as it is. It appears whether in the form of despair (Converge), eternal damnation (Electric Wizard) or the pure act of
despising the world and everyone in it (Touche
Amore). Hate can inspire brilliance in any of its forms, just think without
this powerful emotion would we have ever got albums such as Iowa by Slipknot. The eternal suffering that is Salt Lake Cities Gaza
however is something that goes beyond hate and despair, creating a album that
is not only bleak but also mercilessly crushing in its approach (take the
cheerfully titled Not for all the hope in
the world). The album takes clear influence from the almighty Converge with its use of pace and sheer
white noise approach and production, whilst also mixing in crushing riffs that
could have been on any Crowbar album.
The album also brings in walls of sonic intensity which song eerily reminiscent
of Neurosis. Creating what can only
be described as sonic chaos.
One minute
your having your face ripped off by rapid razor edged riffs and brutal pace to
next track being pummelled into the floor by the heaviest and most sonically
crushing riff ive heard all year. The production is dark and brooding, allowing
the low end of the riffs to become distorted grabbing the listener by the
throat making the punishment of the riffs all the more severe. From cripplingly
fast drums to skull crushing doom riffs the album delivers the album into its
six minute finale Routine and then Death
which grinds the album to a thundering Holt with another of skull crushing
If sonic
hatred is your bag then this release is essential. Im not going to lie its
grim, its very grim but my god it’s incredible once you get your teeth into it,
Should provide a treat for fans of sonic intensity, ferocity and doom laden
fans of: - Converge, Neurosis, Black Breath
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